Knowledge Base


Reconnecting Google Ads accounts
Steps to link a Google Ads account that was removed
Google Ads - Claiming a refund for invalid clicks
The step-by-step guide
Downloading Clicks Report to Excel
Download your report and get your refund from Google Ads!
What campaign types does PPC Shield support in Google Ads?
PPC Shield protects many campaign types from click-fraud
I forgot my password
What to do if you forgot the password to your PPC Shield's account
Is parallel tracking supported by PPC Shield?
Yes, we do support Google Ads' parallel tracking
I forgot the email address I used to sign up
What to do if you forgot your email
Issues approving PPC Shield's Link Request
You see the Link Request 'pending' and can't change it?
How do I approve PPC Shield's access request in my Google Ads?
With just a few clicks, read more here
What is a Tracking Template?
And what happens if I have one already?
You have a question and can’t find the answer here?
Write it here and we’ll get back to you shortly 🙂
Rules Customization
Learn about the blocking rules protecting your Google Ads
How can I add more Google Ads Accounts to my PPC Shield Dashboard?
3 quick steps to add new Google Ads Accounts

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